I support business leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, celebrities, parents, healers, therapists, and coaches.

Working with me is not about your title.

It’s about your desire to evolve, dismantle and befriend constricting forms of conditioning so you can naturally reclaim your most authentic self.


Wherever you feel stuck, I will meet you there.

Wherever you seek to shine brighter, I will illuminate your authentic self back to you and hold you accountable for reclaiming this Self.

Wherever you have lost hope or direction, I will help you part the seas of confusion into clarity and purpose.


an integrative and somatic-based approach

During our meetings, we’ll draw upon the innate intelligence of your own wisdom through a somatic-based therapeutic approach called Hakomi — as well as additional trauma-informed approaches, energy practices, shamanic modalities and plant medicines. All of which I’ve apprenticed to over the past 30 years.

It is my intention, that through creating a partnership of co-discovery, safety and trust, you will organically move through your challenges and back into your power and heart.

Our shared presence and compassion generates a particular type of power that can cut through decades of blocked energies and limiting beliefs.

Evolutionary Leadership is for the Courageous and Bold!

Evolution requires us to leave old ways of being behind.  Sometimes this includes partners, friendships, jobs, and long-held dreams.

Sometimes it involves relinquishing coveted self-images that we’ve strived to uphold as a means to ensure our place of worth, lovability and belonging in the world.

The experience of dissolving from one way of being into another can be incredibly threatening and disorienting.  

I know, it’s extremely vulnerable to be on an evolutionary path with no road map or lantern shining light into the darkness of our own limiting beliefs and fear-based behaviors.  

We are complex creatures designed to protect ourselves against threats. We’ll do anything to create safety, which often results in creating lives that are too small for us — or so big that we live with a chronic anxiety about how we’ll maintain our status or levels of achievements.

We are tasked with finding a way to live in a world of paradoxes, double binds and conflicting needs.

I’m here to help you to tap your own wisdom, clarity and courage as you traverse your unique journey of becoming.

What does it mean to reclaim our power?

Many of us know, deep in our hearts, that to embody the force that we were born to become, we need to call all of ourselves back into the wholeness of our being. Yet, we’re rarely given an easy roadmap to reclaim and integrate our lost power. 

Power Reclamation is the journey of revealing and reclaiming lost wisdom. It’s a path of becoming more integrated by turning towards aspects of ourselves that we can’t see (shadows) or that we’ve innocently exiled in order to protect ourselves and maintain a particular self-image.

It’s a courageous and disciplined practice of hunting and tracking for areas in which we have unconsciously lost power.

What are the subtle ways you’ve given power away due to fear, social pressures, and internalized beliefs about scarcity and lack?


What is the Power Reclamation System™ and how does it work?

1. The Power Reclamation Map:

I’ve designed the Power Reclamation Map™, to serve as a dynamic, non-linear discovery process designed to retrieve and welcome exiled parts of your power, presence, and inner authority back home. 

This system includes six distinct gateways that encompass the wheel of integrated power.


Details on the Six Power Gateways

Below I share a brief overview of each power. If you are curious to learn more, listen to my podcast:

Episode 2: Six Power to Cultivate Your Sovereign and Awakened Self.

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The ability to manage your reactivity and sustain a calm presence especially in times of uncertainty, change, and complex life experiences

Integrative coaching

The art of consciously engaging in loving, transparent, and co-creative relationships — with yourself, others, and all of life

Integrative coaching

 To compassionately and courageously discover, befriend and integrate exiled parts of yourself home into the fullness of your heart

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A devotion to the passionate roar within you that seeks to dismantle social domestication in order to claim your most authentic, free and sovereign self

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The ability to listen and cultivate a connection to your whole-being wisdom (this includes the intelligence of your mind, heart, emotions, body sensations, and gut instincts)

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The capacity to intentionally direct your life force and creative energy towards states of union, joy, innovation, and pleasure - in all areas of life!


To learn more about Power Reclamation, you can listen to the intro podcast episode laying out more details.

Episode 1: What is Power Reclamation?


The Power Reclamation Podcast

Another free way to explore this work is through the Power Reclamation Podcast.

Tune in to hear stories directly from those on the front lines of integral leadership and power reclamation as coaches, business leaders and healers.

Scroll through all episodes here.

Subscribe and listen on Apple Podcast, here

Follow and watch on YouTube, here.


Working with Anne-Marie:


Whether you’re traversing exhausting challenges in your leadership and team dynamics or encountering difficulty in your personal life, I help you to access your inner wisdom and authentic action steps.

Together we dig into the root causes, beliefs and fears responsible for your habitual defensiveness, reactivity or confusion.

I help you organize your thoughts into coherent and direct communication when navigating conflict or differences with others.

I’m highly intuitive and empathic. I listen deeply to your words and I expand my listening beyond to include unspoken emotions or competing internalized double-binds. I listen to all aspects of you from personality to spirit.

I create safety by offering a non-judgmental space of curiosity and probing questions to further understand your challenges.

I am a blend of business consulting and deep therapeutic coaching and healing work.

I have cultivated a wide range of capacity which helps me to meet you across the whole of your human experience.


For more focused executive coaching, team building and business consulting, please see my website, Revealing Wisdom, click here.


“Your evolution calls you into one initiation after another.

And, through each one, you reveal and reclaim more of your power, sovereignty, and wisdom.”

~ Anne-Marie Marron


Embodiment is an inside job, not a solitary one

For more on working with Anne-Marie, book a discovery call


Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life. She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.

— Albert Wong, San Francisco, California

Anne-Marie has compassion for the situation men find themselves in and clearly wants to help them navigate this.

I’ve worked with men’s groups and there were certain things that only men could help me with. And, the same is true for being guided by a women.

— Erik Pounders, Los angeles, California

Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters. She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.

— brian leonard, New York

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