The Power Reclamation Podcast
The Power Reclamation podcast explores the mysteries, heartbreaks, and resiliency of the human experience.
Most of us don’t have a roadmap to reclaim and integrate our lost power.
Yet, we know in our hearts that in order to become the force we were born to be, we need to call all of ourselves back home.
Shawna Reininger, with Conscious Enterprise, is one of the most skilled intuitive business and personal guides I know. In this episode we talk about why tapping into the power of intuition is more crucial than ever, and how we can start cultivating space for intuition in our everyday lives.
Ruth L. Schwartz of the Conscious Girlfriend Academy helps us explore paradigms of healing relational trauma, conscious solitude, energetics of the heart and understanding one's relationship needs.
In this episode, I explore our deep human need for belonging and its counterparts of isolation and exile. I share insights on authentic belonging, from relationships with pets to embracing solitude, to help you develop a healthier sense of belonging both internally and in the world.
It’s been 2.5 years since I found myself slung deep into another dark night of the soul, which I am gingerly resurrecting from. Today I'm sharing some of the heartbreaks, the victories, and two key themes of this alchemical and harrowing journey.
What does it look like when mega-celebrity spiritual teachers misuse their power and authority? And, when do these teachers' blindspots recapitulate the student's trauma - especially when the teacher doesn't understand the student's trauma response and instead blames the student for not doing the practices "right"?
This conversation with Nicola Amadora brings light to the reality that students of spiritual teachers can slip into being the recipient of dominating power dynamics of power-over with their teacher. This can cause the student to lose faith in their own inner authority and self-authoring trust.
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How many of us learned that our value is crystallized only after we have achieved the esteemed social status, the perfect job, the perfect family, perfect body, or the perfect healthy lifestyle?
These pressures whisk us away on a roller-coaster ride of highs and lows — one day we feel accomplished, successful, and worthy, and a day later, we collapse into depression, unworthiness and feelings of self-doubt and failure.
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As evolutionary leaders, we traverse through five phases of development. In this episode, Anne-Marie talks about these phases and the shift from phase 3 of creative/authentic leadership to phase 4 integral leadership. What are the key hallmarks of integral leadership and what can we do to become one? Listen to learn more!
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In this second episode of our two-part series, Rixt shares with us how she co-designed an integral leadership program for an executive based upon his desire to become a more integral leader — through embracing more of his shadows.
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This conversation with Rixt Kuiper and Rob Sinclair is about integral leadership and shadow work. How do we as leaders, consultants, healers, therapists and change-makers lead and love through exploring our personal projections and exiled parts of self?
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What does it mean to reclaim our erotic power?
This conversation with Darshana Avila, Erotic Wholeness Coach, is about healing and expanding our concepts of what it means to be an erotic and whole being.
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What happens when stoicism and the learned behavior of compartmentalizing one's emotions and vulnerability stifle the individual who embodies them?
This phenomenon is called toxic masculinity — an exalted archetype of what it means “to be a man”, which is reinforced through socialization and conditioning.
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Hualani from Canada and Marie from South Africa and I focus on what it’s been like to feel both exiled and exalted in confusing and painful ways since childhood.
We explored how we’ve each navigated through the process of shifting from being an isolated exile to a Holy one.
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Listen to qigong master, Damaris Jarboux, as she describes the framework for foreign energy and how it impacts our mental body (thoughts), emotional body, physical body and eventually our spiritual connection.
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How does the Vagal Nerve serve as one of our greatest inner allies, helping us to recover from activated states of threat, anxiety, fear, and helplessness? Patricia shares about this inner Jedi along with simple practices we can do to wield this power, and calm our triggers while driving or in the middle of a business meeting.
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Many of us are taught we have to find the one core purpose for our expression in the world and if we can’t do that then somehow it means we’ve failed. That is NOT true. You’ll hear Sajit debunk this outdated paradigm and offer a new way to explore soul purpose.
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Mark shares about his relationship with the natural world as his teacher, beloved, ally, and sacred mirror. He is devoted to serving as a meditation teacher who guides others to engage directly with the natural world as a form of spiritual practice and remembering.
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Jen candidly shares with us about the vulnerability and liberation of living a life through radical self-honesty. She shares about her book and women’s program on Midlife Emergence, which she describes as "the process of coming into view or being exposed after previously being concealed."
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Hualani, Marie, and I cover a number of topics on Sacred Sisterhood and the need to heal the collective shadows of feminine power out of balance and the power of when it’s balanced and serving healing for the whole.
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Holadia speaks about the art of pausing. Of taking time to turn inward and listen, clarify and ask for guidance, which is counter-intuitive to the mind’s need to race, fix, solve and go until exhaustion.
She guides others to break out of boxes through offering customized personal retreats at her home in Boulder, Colorado.
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Alexandra shares a tender story of her own power reclamation process, specific to navigating the shock and loss of her husband taking his life five years ago. She also walks us through her framework of the four phases of evolutionary consciousness.
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Scott Odom, a retired cop, shares how his deepest suffering has served as the fuel for him to step from a dark and destructive existence into one of freedom and joy – from the inside out.
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In the second episode, we explore the 6 distinct powers that encompass the wheel of integrated power. Each power serves as an entry point to illuminate our individual gifts, as well as any conditioned or banished aspects of ourselves that eagerly await our acceptance and fierce love.
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In this first episode, I share inspiring stories gleaned from 20 interviews with others about their relationship to power. I also introduce The Power Reclamation System, which is a dynamic, non-linear discovery process designed to help hunt and track for the places where we’ve lost power, and how to reclaim it.
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All episodes are available for listening here or through Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and other favorite platforms!
Want to catch a short snippet of the show, check out the segmented clips on YouTube!
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