What is Erotic Power?
The capacity to intentionally direct our life force and creative energy towards states of union, joy, innovation, and pleasure
* Do you feel out of touch with your erotic and sensual expression, both in and out of the bedroom?
* Have you lost touch with your creative energy and burning desires?
* Do you find that your inner critic blocks you from creativity?
If so, you may be out of sync with your Erotic Power.
Learning to access this power will help you activate states of flow, joy, and aliveness both on your own and with others.
About Erotic Power
Erotic Power is the way we interact with and direct our life force — including our creativity, our desire, our pleasure, and our love.
Erotic is derived from the Greek word eros, the personification of love in all its aspects.
This means that eroticism includes our sexuality, but also expands to influence all of our creations, whether it’s a business concept, an artistic endeavor, or a delicious meal — infusing them with meaning, purpose, and pleasure.
When we’re connected to our Erotic Power, there is a natural outpouring of love and connection in everything we do. We tend to experience consistent states of flow, playfulness, creativity, innovation, and a sense of union with life.
Think of those moments when you have felt connected to the pleasure of merging with someone you love. Or, the joy of being immersed in a creative project that is so engaging you can hardly tear yourself away from it. These states of flow, sexual union and creative expression are signatures of your Erotic Power.
To become erotically empowered, we explore our erotic nature and check our conceptual assumptions about what it is and what it’s not. We have to feel it from the inside-out.
Accessing Erotic Power requires us to be fully present in our bodies, present to the inner landscape of our direct experience. And, in return, it gives us a quality of aliveness and creativity that will nourish us and everyone around us.
“Once we feel deeply, all the aspect of our lives, we begin to demand from ourselves, and from our life pursuits, more pleasure, joy and connection. ”

When you’re in your Erotic Power you most likely feel:
in touch with the flow of your erotic intelligence and the way it guides your expression in the world
familiar with your inner signals of aliveness, turn-on, and connection — both sexually and non-sexually
connected to your inner playful, adventurous, joyful visionary self
rooted in embodied sexuality — sexuality that empowers you and includes all of who you are
When you’re out of rhythm with your Erotic Power you might:
lack a sense of feeling truly turned on by life and your creative endeavors
believe erotic power is only accessible through sex with another person
mistake your cravings as passionate desire, which may cause you to indulge in ways that create disconnection or shame
withhold your erotic expression or sexual desire for fear of being too much or not enough

How do you access your erotic nature? Your flow states of creativity, joy, passion, and pleasure?
What makes you feel most alive? What makes you feel most playful? What sensations happen in you body when you feel alive, turned on, and connected?
What is your relationship to your sexual expression? Do you feel confident, shut down, deprived or afraid of it or how it’s been misused and hurtful?

Most of us don’t realize, that intimate relationships (lovers, partners, friends, and even colleagues) will reveal aspects of our attachment template. If we want to integrate and embody more of ourselves then it’s a worthy endeavor to study the behaviors that arise when we feel threatened, vulnerable, and fear abandonment or rejection in all types of relationships.