What is Intuitive Power?
The ability to listen, surrender to the flow, and cultivate a connection to our whole-being wisdom — which includes the intelligence of mind, heart, emotions, body sensations, and gut feelings
Do you find yourself arguing with your rational mind against your intuitive feelings and inner knowing?
Is it hard for you to live with uncertainty, to wait and listen instead of forcing movement?
Do you often try to control things in your life, rather than trusting and letting go?
If so, you may be out of rhythm with your Intuitive Power.
Cultivating this power will help you to access new doorways of inner guidance so you can make life-affirming choices that feel in alignment with your true self.
About Intuitive Power
Intuitive Power helps us to gain insights, guidance, and information that are often beyond what the conceptual, logical mind. It requires slowing down, and opening into a depth of listening.
We access Intuitive Power by cultivating a relationship with our whole-being wisdom. What exactly does that mean?
Whole-being wisdom refers to the reservoirs of sophisticated intelligences that live within each one of us. This includes our cognitive thinking, body sensations, emotional intelligence, heart guidance, gut feelings, and information that unexpectedly arises from a non-linear inner knowing — some may call this a sixth sense.
Our whole-being wisdom is an apothecary of integrative medicine that we can draw upon any time. Freeing our mind and body of limited and conditioned ways of being enables us to dial in and out from our various antennas of intelligence, as needed.
A key catalyst to embodying our Intuitive Power is surrendering and apprenticing to the unknown. The unknown is where we dynamically birth aspects of ourselves, and deconstruct parts that we’ve outgrown, over and over again.
Surrendering is not a passive experience. It’s an active alertness. It draws upon our skills of tracking for signals, insights, desires, and needs which are often hidden behind voices of fear, logic, and self-doubt.
Each time we meet ourselves in the unknown, we have the opportunity to build our resiliency, self-confidence, and inner trust.
To wield our Intuitive Power, we devote ourselves to the art of receiving and listening. When we doubt our insights, especially if they seem illogical or fear based, we pay attention. We interrupt the impulse to speed up, and do more, as a means to assuage our anxiety through quick-fixes. Instead we get quiet, stop flailing, and listen for inner guidance.
Through Intuitive Power, the mind becomes a servant to our intuitive power rather than the other way around. Albert Einstein conveys this wisdom so simply:
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”

When you’re in your Intuitive Power you most likely feel:
engaged in building a relationship with your whole-being wisdom — the intelligences of your mind, heart, intuition, and body sensations
willing to drop your personal agenda when you sense the flow of life is taking you in a new direction that better serves you and the whole
connected to the energies of your feminine powers and soft skills — regardless of your gender orientation
devoted to apprenticing to the unknown — and, interrupting impulses to force and push when you don’t have enough information yet
When you’re out of rhythm with your Intuitive Power you might:
struggle slowing down, listening, resting, and practicing patience
discount the wisdom of your intuition by overly identifying with logic and reason
become consumed by anxiety-driven busyness, which makes it more difficult to feel and recognize your intuitive power
try to excessively control your life to the extent that it thwarts your ability to experience the magic and mystery that come with surrendering into the unknown and being guided by Life

Do you dare to make decisions based on your intuition, even if it goes against logic or popular opinion?
Which channels of intelligence come easily to you? How do you access them?
Is there a channel that you wish to turn up the volume on? If so, why?

As global disruption and chaos increase, most of us feel the impact through spikes of anxiety, fear, and overwhelm. The information age has placed us in a unique time. During previous decades, national news and media platforms had the ability to conceal any information deemed unfit for public consumption. They had the power to leave us in the dark.