What is Revealing Wisdom leadership?
Revealing wisdom leadership is an evolutionary path of becoming. It’s a process of balancing doing with being. It’s a blend of learning to weave together your inner guidance, intuition and the brilliance of your intellect and reason.
Evolutionary leadership path is an invitation to integrate and descend from our minds into our hearts, and ground of our being. It’s a practice of embodying the fullest expression of who we are.
Integrated leaders are revolutionary guides who walk into the unknown because the known and predictable paths established are no longer enough.
The wisdom revealed through the process of embodied leadership is a heroic journey of re-wilding ourselves back home into our most undefended, compassionate, expansive and creative self.
Bearing witness to someone in a position of power who interrupts the impulse to blame and criticize others and instead owns their contribution to conflict and ruptures is a trademark of embodied leadership.
Why Now?
In a world driven by increasing complexity and speed come more commitments and demands on our time and energy, causing overwhelm, burn out, and disconnection from our inner knowing.
Counter to this lightning speed of "doing" and busyness abides a quiet presence of "being" within each one of us. When we connect with our inner stillness our wisdom is revealed like the blazing sun.
The absence of space and momentary pauses can lead to high reactivity states driven by autopilot behaviors that are often threat-based, causing division rather than unifying and creative solutions.
Evolutionary leadership is about marrying the “doing” and the “being” parts of us so we can stay connected to ourselves and others, rather than operate primarily from autopilot or reactivity.
“Evolutionary leadership is about marrying “doing” and the “being” to create balance and innovation solutions”
The Core Components of Evolutionary Leadership