An 8-Week Leadership Program
Dark Nights of the Soul
~ The art of cultivating inner strength during chaos, loss and change ~
Each day we are faced with complex competing needs, decisions and overwhelm in most areas of life.
How do you stay connected to your centering power and inner wisdom so you can access clarity and trust rather than react from fear and resistance?
The intention of this 8-week program is to create a space where you are seen and known as you traverse your own challenges, loss, fear and the dark nights of your own evolutionary process.
Your ability to cultivate ground and inner strength during chaos will become amplified when you feel safe, seen and held.
We live in a time when being honest with ourselves about what is working and what is not isn’t always a choice. Sometimes, life presents us with unexpected loss, disorientation and overwhelm while we watch the life we had planned, or longed for, dissolve before our very eyes.
How do you want to show up for yourself in these chaotic moments?
This program may be for you if:
You’re at a crossroads with your career/self-expression - you’re having trouble trusting or identifying your next steps
You’re seeking to drop the burden of proving your worthiness through anxiety and fear-based striving.
You long to be seen and known in a deeper way and you often feel you don’t fit in or that you’re not gotten by others
You’re at the edge of leaping into the unknown but you hesitate for fear you’ll make a mistake or regret the loss you may incur
You’re paralyzed by a decision you need to make and fear causes you to spin in circles
You’re stuck at work and can’t break through the glass ceiling or stagnation
You feel alone navigating life - you miss experiencing magical synchronicities and a strong and reliable connection to your higher power
You long for partnership, or you’re in a relationship, and old relationship dynamics are causing you to feel stuck and disconnected.
The intention of this program
We are not designed to traverse this life alone.
Moving through loss, grief and overwhelm is greatly accelerated when we come together to share in the journey of our heartbreaks and victories.
Brain science has proven that when we feel seen, known and cared for we regain ground within ourselves to find answers, rest into the discomfort of uncertainty and access our deeper wisdom body.
Join me for eight weeks to reveal and explore how you feel stuck, wish to shine brighter or are reeling from loss, change or aloneness.
When we are accepted by ourselves, and others, in our most vulnerable, and shameful places, the door to our own wisdom and inner strength reveals itself to us.
This is how we experience true belonging to ourselves, which, of course, spills into feeling deeply connected to all of life.
The essence of my facilitation is to create a place of refuge where every part of you feels welcomed.
What you can expect
✓ 8 live video calls (60-minutes each)
✓ Somatic-based exercises designed to access inner wisdom
✓ Personal practices designed to burn through self-doubt and fear
✓ Video recordings provided
✓ Small intimate group to ensure focused attention on each person
✓ An opportunity to commit to a daily meditation practice for 8 weeks
✓ Private online group forum to share and grow together
✓ In the weekly calls, you are invited to share your experience, ask questions, or receive1:1 focus - similar to a mastermind group
✓ Optional Private coaching with Anne-Marie: If you want to add private coaching to your program, please ask Anne-Marie about the discounted package price.
An 8-week program:
Wednesday, December 14th 2022 - February 1st 2023
7:30 pm Eastern/5:30 pm Mountain/4:30 pm Pacific
Program Investment
Investment $449 USD
Early bird price: $399 USD
Discount Code: EARLYBIRD - ends on November 30th
Registration closes on Sunday, December 11th
Limited scholarship funds available for those in need
Paid upfront — non-refundable
My dark nights…
I have been through many dark nights in my life.
Times when everything I once knew to be true about myself, and my life, no longer fit.
Times when I was restlessly revving my engines as I waited for clarity to come. Which often felt like a roller coaster ride of hope and disappointments while clarity dripped into my awareness as slow as molasses.
Times, when everything in my life was unraveling at once — my health, romantic partnership, work and home.
I’ve lived groundless many times.
Death doesn't just happen when we leave our bodies. We encounter micro deaths and rebirths multiple times throughout our lives.
Change is the one constant source of our human experience. Like it or not.
As painful as each death and rebirth cycle has been for me, each one has served as the catalyst needed for me to expand beyond my limited perceptions of reality — and from a life that had become too small for who I was becoming.
In fact, I am in the midst of one of these moments right now.
This is why it feels perfect to invite you to join me as we bravely cultivate the inner strength to keep our hearts open -- especially when fear and chaos cause us to feel powerlessness and helplessness.
What if these sacred disrupters are your doorway to more freedom and peace?
I invite you to step into an intimate community where I will facilitate and curate a safe and welcoming space where there is nothing to tuck away or manage for fear of rejection or judgment.
Everything is welcome.
Read my article, How Does A 'Dark Night Of The Soul' Catalyze Our Integration & Healing? click here.
What if all the answers you ever needed to navigate the complexity of your life exist within you?
And, the key to unlocking them is to have a safe community environment where you can be seen, known and welcomed for exactly where you are?

Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life. She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.
— Albert Wong
Anne-Marie didn't just help heal a layer of the spiral, but the whole spiral, and the manifestations I've met since my new sense of wholeness and fullness has been fascinating and joyful.
— Sophie Brunet
Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters. She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.
— brian leonard
Traversing the Initiate’s Path
One of the principles of my power reclamation system is the view that we are initiates.
Brave and bold hearts who are traversing challenges as fuel for our evolutionary growth.
Our soul curriculum is embedded within each obstacle, heartbreak, and challenge.
As well as, every joyful experience of feeling seen, respected and loved.
About Anne-Marie-Marron
I’m a Power Reclamation & Embodied Leadership Coach.
I am devoted to guiding leaders to remember the wholeness of who they are — by integrating banished aspects of self that were fragmented through conditioning, trauma, and loss of power.
I support this process through the way that I listen, track, and pay attention to what’s occurring through words, body, emotions, and even the most subtle realms of energy and guidance from spirit.
Together, we mine for the patterns and beliefs that truncate your ability to reclaim your power, passion, and most authentic life.
I assist by tapping into the wisdom that lives within you. I dive straight to the root of things as quickly as possible — into the depths of what wants to be revealed, healed, and integrated.