Take a Deep Dive into the Mysteries of Your Power!
Tuesdays, April 5th through June 20th
5pm-6pm MT (TIME???)
(4pm PT/7pm ET/12am GMT)
What interferes with your capacity to confidently and consistently live from your sovereign and most authentic self?
I have learned, the hard and messy way, that it takes tremendous energy to hide who I am. To live with lingering shame. To navigate life with a whipping inner critic. And, to repress my needs and longings as a way to protect me from loss, rejection or the perception of failure.
Being seen is a basic human need — like water and food. And, while this is true, the need to be seen is often riddled with the threat of humiliation, being exiled or confirming an internalized fear that we are unworthy and unlovable. These threats drive behaviors of proving, pretending (even to ourselves) and accommodating to uphold the “right self-image” to ensure our belonging and sense of worth.
Where in your life do you feel powerless, hopeless or driven by anxiety and fear?
These feelings and states are not indicators that you are broken — they are gateways for you to reclaim more of your power and confidence.
I wonder, how do you meet and befriend the parts of you that are defensive, protective, controlling, critical, skeptical, perfection-seeking, and fearful of rejection or abandonment?
What makes it hard for you to slow down and rest?
What beliefs and self-images drive you towards excessively doing, accomplishing, proving, and posturing in hopes that someday you will feel enough?
You are enough, NOW!
I want to help you discover what stops you from knowing this truth — inside and out — so you can accomplish your mission and purpose in this life. You’re here as a change-maker. A devotee to revolutionizing what it means to be a sacred human. You are the medicine our world needs.
I want to help you thrive in your mission and come home to yourself — all the way.
The Power Reclamation Immersion
During this intimate12-week power reclamation immersion, I will guide you through a process of celebrating how you’re leading your life with power and presence.
And, I will support you in revealing and clarifying how you feel stuck, stagnant or held back from expressing the fullness of your brilliance and power as a leader, coach, healer, therapist or revolutionary change-agent.
Some of the topics we will explore are:
Rest: What is your relationship to rest? To the non-doing aspect of being?
Navigating uncertainty: How do you navigate the hurdles and complex challenges of uncertainty that sprinkle through your life on a daily basis?
Relationship dynamics: In your relationships, do you push people away for fear of intimacy or do you grasp for their attention? Do you need them to rescue you in some way from your loneliness, fears and self-doubt?
Self-doubt & denial: Where are you telling yourself the truth and when are you bargaining with yourself for fear of what might change if you admit where you feel dead and passionless in your life?
Self-leadership: Who is the CEO of your life? Have you cultivated a strong relationship with the still quiet presence of your being or are you still operating from old conditioned habits and beliefs that cram you back into a box that feels suffocating but safe and familiar?
Needs & vulnerability: Do you ask for what you want or do you feel powerless and scared to ask for fear of rejection or loss?
Shadow integration: What aspects of yourself have been banished or exiled and how do we call them home so they don’t cause unintended consequences that cause conflict, pain and suffering?
During our immersion, we’ll draw from the Power Reclamation System™ to guide our process
~ This consists of Power principles,skills, and a Map with six distinct power Gateways~
Leveraging Group Wisdom & Transformational Power
Being seen and known, even in our most messy or confused parts of self, is how we reclaim our power. One courageous and empowered step at a time.
I’m witnessing first-hand through my power reclamation coaching programs what with each brave act of expressing one’s vulnerability and messiness, everyone is gracefully invited to look deeper within. When one person leads with this much power, everyone benefits.
When we collectively create permission and safety for this type of revealing, befriending and remembering, we integrate more power and wisdom.
ADD A VIDEO BELOW from TIP or TM clips?
Group wisdom accelerates transformation and healing
Leadership can be lonely — join a community of others who are bravely asking themselves the deeper questions about who they are, why they are here and what is getting in the way of their fullest expression.
Join a collective movement of clearing out the interference and traps that hold us back from partnering with our planet as she makes her way through this dark passage of human domination, power-over, violence and fragmentation that reinforce her decimation and destruction.
Immersion Details
This will be an emergent process following a roadmap, although we likely will go off-grid based upon the wisdom of your individual and group needs.
✓ 12 Tuesday Power Reclamation Sessions (60-minutes each)
✓ Weekly sessions will include: focused teaching, group coaching, Q&A, somatic meditations, and customized practices
✓ A new recorded at-home guided meditations: based on the power theme of the week - the invitation is for you to allocate a specific time to meditation each day —throughout our 12 weeks.
✓ A group podcast episode: This will be a power reclamation episode co-designed with those who are called to share their wisdom with the world
✓ April 5th- June 20th
✓ 5pm-6pm MT (4pm PT/7pm ET/10am GMT)
✓ recorded calls (for our private group only)
✓ a mastermind approach
✓ individual 1:1 focus with Anne-Marie in a group setting
✓ an embodied and somatic approach
✓ self-reflection exercises between meetings
✓ community wisdom & exploration
Your Power Reclamation Immersion Investment
A one-time PAYMENT OF $750
paid upfront, non-refundable
“Power returns through the tiniest, invisible cracks.”
Being Seen and known is the first step to reclaiming our power

Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life. She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.
— Albert Wong
Anne-Marie didn't just help heal a layer of the spiral, but the whole spiral, and the manifestations I've met since my new sense of wholeness and fullness has been fascinating and joyful.
— Sophie Brunet
Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters. She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.