Anne-Marie Marron



Power Reclamation



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Power Reclamation 1:1 Deep Dive

Do you feel held back by fear, self-doubt and conditioning?

Or, are you hungry for more, but you can't seem to find your way through the unseen barriers and obstacles?

I’m here to help you tap into your primal intelligence by welcoming and embodying your superpowers — while also befriending and dismantling fear-based conditioning and limiting beliefs.

Yes, deep down you know this but, like me, your conditioning tells you otherwise:

Your presence and power is the most catalytic force on the planet

And, I'm sure you've noticed that when you're distracted by self-doubt, a nagging need to remain in control and paralyzing fears of uncertainty, then you likely feel disempowered, lost, and anxious.

This 4-month program is a private immersion with all my attention on You!

Together, we’ll travel through the following three phases of the

Power Reclamation Journey:

Integrative coaching

PHase 1: Activate Your SuperpowErs

What is your most empowering expression of love, leadership, and power?

What are your superpowers? Which of the six gateways from the Power Reclamation System™ do you draw upon most?


PHase 2: Identify Energy Leaks

Where do you have hidden powers that remain tucked away and overshadowed?

We’ll investigate your unique fear-based ways of operating that collapse and cloak your sacred gifts.



This final phase will culminate with the seedlings of creating your own Personal Power Reclamation Map.

Your map will include unique practices and tools for you to draw upon to further your embodiment.


To reclaim our power is to embrace our light and our shadows

Inner sovereignty and freedom expands each time we identify how we give power away, or attempt to take it from others, as a means to manage feeling helpless, fearful or powerless.

It takes great courage to interrupt subconscious habitual protective patterns, and personal conditioning, in order to make new conscious choices that are aligned with love rather than fear.

I believe that each time we reclaim a lost part of our power we contribute to forming a new world in which love prevails over fear, anxiety, addiction, hatred, polarization, loneliness, and depression.

What is the Power Reclamation System™?

The Power Reclamation System™, is a transformational path and roadmap that I’ve developed, there are six distinct gateways of power to enter and explore our superpowers and lost power.

Each power gateway holds unique gifts and challenges that guide us along our journey of power reclamation and embodied leadership.

Have You Identified Your Powerhouse Type?

If you haven’t identified what type of powerhouse you are, I invite you to take the quiz now!)

If you’ve taken the quiz, I hope you’re feeling celebratory and proud of your powerhouse type! Maybe this superpower didn’t entirely come as a surprise? After all, these strengths and skills are most likely natural talents you’ve always expressed.

You’re not limited to being a powerhouse in just one domain of power! You have the innate potential to grow into the fullness of your sacred power and inner authority — in all areas of your life.

Do you want to reclaim more of your presence, power and wisdom?

Join me for the Power Reclamation Deep Dive!

Common Examples of Lost Power

Do you know about the places in your life where you’re not in your full power? 

As you read the statements below, notice if any of these examples resonate with you:

  • Stuckness & exhaustion: You feel drained, stuck, or paralyzed in a certain area of your life and you can’t seem to breakthrough.

  • Relationship conflict: You experience difficult relationship patterns, such as abandonment, betrayal, and painful power dynamics, which continue to repeat without resolution or repair.

  • Loss of freedom: You feel trapped in your life and wildly restless.

  • Self-aggression: You struggle to feel kind and forgiving towards yourself.

  • Loss of sexual desire: You feel disconnected from the joy of your body sensations and the healing powers of your sexual expression.

  • Loss of nourishment: You feel undernourished by your work, relationships or home life — maybe you’ve been able to convince yourself “this is good enough” but deep down, it feels isolating and heartbreaking.

  • Loss of self-expression: You know you’re here to express your soul’s calling, but something keeps holding you back.

  • Loss of resiliency: you react and drain your resources through drama, gossip, focusing on what’s broken, and blaming external circumstances for your state of being.

  • Loss of vulnerability: You try to control (or blame) others when you feel helpless and vulnerable.

Power Reclamation

What’s Involved in Your 4-Month Deep Dive?

Your power reclamation journey begins as soon as you say “YES”, I want to embrace more of my presence, power and magic.

Part 1: Preparing for Your Journey - Two preliminary action steps:

✓ Identify Your Powerhouse Type - learn which of the six power gateways, and their associated superpowers, you most draw upon, by taking the Power Reclamation Quiz.

✓ Complete the Power Reclamation Self-Assessment: Complete a Power Reclamation Self-Assessment. This will help you to reflect on where you feel stuck in your life or repeating patterns that no longer serve but seem impossible to shake.

Part 2: Taking the Journey:
During the 4-months we’ll meet as follows:

✓ Kick-Off Session (2-hours)

✓ Four (60-minute) Coaching Sessions

✓ Power Reclamation Mapping & Integration Session (2-hours)

✓ Custom designed action steps and self-awareness practices

✓ Voxer audio or text support, as needed

✓ A recording of each coaching session will be provided

Your challenges and burning desires are sacred doorways

that lovingly shine a light on disowned power that is ready to be retrieved and reintegrated.


Your Power Reclamation Deep Dive Session are designed to guide you to:

✓ Activate your unique superpowers

✓ Confidently live into your greatest potential

✓ Reveal the patterns and behaviors that drain your energy

✓ Expand compassion and self-acceptance for the ways you’ve given your power away, or attempted to take power from others

✓ Identify empowering practices to amplify your resiliency, confidence and capacity to manage complex and challenging life experiences

✓ Befriend exiled parts of yourself so you no longer drain energy trying to hide, protect or defend these parts

✓ Reclaim power by creating a personalized power reclamation roadmap that focuses on 1-2 areas in which you intend to reclaim power over the next six months

Is the Power Reclamation Deep Dive for you?

Would you like to confidently embrace how powerful, unique and revolutionary you are?

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What would be different in your life if you could reclaim the power of your presence and wisdom?

Join me for a 1:1 Deep Dive Immersion into your brave heart and expansive Self

The investment for coming home to your radiant and wild Self is $2250

Payment plans available


What would be different about your life if you were able to compassionatley dismantle conditioned ways of being that limit your sense of peace and power?


Are you wondering if this is the right next step for you?

Book a 30-minute consultation to learn more

The Power Reclamation Hero/Heroine’s Journey

  • What would life feel like if you could see each obstacle as an invitation to grow, evolve, and build your resiliency in the face of life’s many challenges?

  • What if each heartbreak was set up for you to open your heart more rather than defend and shut down to protect yourself?

  • What if you could be held within the sacred container of your own guidance and wisdom as you travel your inner landscape to retrieve disowned aspects of your power and presence?

Each time you befriend and integrate lost power, you uplevel and reclaim your sovereign self.

Power Reclamation

My desire is to help you become re-aquainted with your whole, radiant, compassionate Self.

I believe that when you embody your authentic self and power, you radiate the healing nectar of your inner fulfillment which makes you unstoppable with your outer mission.

Anne-Marie is exquisitely attuned and superordinately compassionate — fearless even unto the furthest and deepest ranges of life. She is able to perceive underneath the veil of being – truth all the way down to the bones — with precision, insight, and tact.

— Albert Wong

Anne-Marie didn't just help heal a layer of the spiral, but the whole spiral, and the manifestations I've met since my new sense of wholeness and fullness has been fascinating and joyful.

— Sophie Brunet

Anne-Marie was my “traumatic sightseeing” sherpa! With her loving guidance, we went to places that were dimly lit, full of wild beasts, powerful energies, and more than a few monsters. She met the challenge with her inimitable and unforgettable empathy, insight of business and work stress, and compassionate guidance.

— brian leonard

About Anne-Marie-Marron


I’m a Power Reclamation & Embodied Leadership Coach.

I am devoted to guiding leaders to remember the wholeness of who they are — by integrating banished aspects of self that were fragmented through conditioning, trauma, and loss of power.

I support this process through the way that I listen, track, and pay attention to what’s occurring through words, body, emotions, and even the most subtle realms of energy and guidance from spirit.

Together, we mine for the patterns and beliefs that truncate your ability to reclaim your power, passion, and most authentic life.

I assist by tapping into the wisdom that lives within you. I dive straight to the root of things as quickly as possible — into the depths of what wants to be revealed, healed, and integrated.