
Navigating the Threshold of “Becoming”

Navigating the Threshold of “Becoming”

What does it mean when life, as you’ve known it, suddenly changes in a blink of an eye and you find yourself dropped into the desert and the unknown? Or maybe it happens so slowly that you wake up to realize everything in your life has been dying for months or maybe even years. However you find yourself here, you are now standing at the threshold of realizing that what was previously so important to you no longer holds its place on the trophy shelves.

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

“Self Improvement Campaign” Addiction

For much of my life I was caught in the web of what I call, ‘The Self-Improvement Campaign’. This ‘campaign’ is the false notion that somehow we are deficient.   Therefore, in order to be happy,  successful and belong we have to improve ourselves.  In the process we compare ourselves to others and the ideas of who we think we should be.  What we end up feeling is a disconnect on the inside.