
Facing Fear: The Courage to Swim Upstream

Facing Fear: The Courage to Swim Upstream

The journey of the salmon is one of the most amazing phenomena in nature.  How is it that after years in the sea, they can locate the exact stream in which they were born and pursue their upstream return home?

Meeting Our Aloneness

Meeting Our Aloneness

Have you noticed that loss, change and transitions invite the opportunity to drop the veils and get down and dirty with what is really important? Simultaneously, what do you notice about all the ways you try not to be where you are, embrace what you’re feeling or face what is in front of you?

How To Lead As A Samurai

How To Lead As A Samurai

To travel the terrain of an authentic leader requires a level of listeningwitnessing and an open-heart similar to that of a Samurai. The unwritten Samurai code of conduct, is known as Bushido. The Bushido code holds that the true warrior must possess loyalty, courage, veracity, compassion, and honor as important, above all else.   The samurai’s code is in honor of their masters and fellow warriors.