Welcome to Revealing Wisdom!

Welcome to Revealing Wisdom!

It has taken me years to be clear about my true passion and to build a business doing what I LOVE.  Since 2003, when I left my corporate career, I have been challenging many assumptions I’ve had about all the aspects of my life. I have been asking myself, “Can I really support my life by doing what I love? Isn’t work supposed to be sweat and tears?

Did it take this long to arrive here because I was lazy, unfocused, misguided or disconnected from my passion? No, although those were just a few mental tapes that repeated over and over throughout the last seven years. Little did I know that my life experiences, and the inner journey I was on, would be my formal education and gateway into a fuller expression of myself.

What I’ve learned is that one thing always leads to another and it’s none of my business when or how it all comes together. When I let go of trying to know, I can rest in this beautiful mystery. Who will I meet today, what conversation will inspire me and where will I turn my attention? Will I look for awareness itself or will I plunge deep into the drama and distractions of trying to understand the unknown and plan my life?

One of my friends during these years of waiting and incubating were these two lines from the Tao Te Ching:


❝ Do you have the patience to wait
'til your mud settled and the water is clear?
Can you remain umoving
'til the right action arises by itself? ❞


The mud has settled, for the moment, and I am following this call to meet my life in a new way. To collaborate with and support other like-minded/hearted people in creating a more awakened life.

Does an aspect of your life feel unclear and muddy right now?

If you said yes, do you notice the more you try to figure things out with your mind the more you stir the mud from the bottom?  What does it look like to stop trying to clear the water yourself and to rest back into ‘not knowing’?  What can you do today that feels in alignment with your heart while you ask your mind to rest from its endless pursuit of doing and achieving?

If you said no, do you rest into this moment or do you find your mind wanting to hold onto this moment and avoid any change?

What is unfolding on these deeper levels for you?

It brings me great joy to hold space for others who are seeking Truth and greater freedom. If you care to join me, please join my blog and explore my website in more detail.

Organizational development consulting